caring for Athletes and active individuals of all abilities

Spine injuries should be taken very seriously in sports, whether the patient is a serious athlete, or a “weekend warrior”. Athletes involved in high impact sports like football, hockey, and mixed martial arts are at the greatest risk to suffer sports related spine injuries. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, and equestrian sports are also high risk activities.

Most athletic injuries to the back are sprains and strains of the ligaments and muscles. These injuries usually resolve on their own given time and rest.

More serious injuries can have symptoms similar to strains and sprains, but require medical or surgical intervention. A thorough physical examination and neurological work-up, along with imaging studies, are important diagnostic aids used to differentiate if the injury is a soft tissue, disc herniation or a more serious fracture or spinal cord injury.

A rehabilitation program following a spine injury due to sport is an important part of proper recovery. Whether part of a post-operative treatment plan, or non operative therapy, our goal is to treat, rehabilitate, and return to full activities whenever possible. Polin Neurosurgery is proud to partner with a network of expert physiatrists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and pain management specialists who have extensive experience in treating athletic injuries to the head, neck and spine.